4th International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering and Technology

Co-located with IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (IEEE Quantum Week).

September 15-20, 2024, Montréal, Québec, Canada


As quantum computing evolves, Quantum Software Engineering (QSE) becomes a relevant topic for both researchers and practitioners. IEEE defines Software Engineering as the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software, as well as to the study of these approaches. Thus, the Quantum Software Engineering community is gaining presence in all the relevant quantum computing research forums as a way to produce quantum software in a systematic and controlled way with adequate quality levels. This will ensure that quantum software progress along with the last advances in quantum computing.
This event will serve as discussion forum on how to produce quantum software considering lessons learned from the classical software engineering field as well as novel approaches. This implies to apply or adapt the existing software engineering processes, methods, techniques, and principles for the development of quantum software, or even to create new methods and techniques that will help create quantum software with the appropriate quality attributes.

4th Quantum Software Engineering and Technology Workshop is co-located with IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering | IEEE Quantum Week

The topics of interest for the workshop are the following:
  • Quantum programming techniques and practices
  • Quantum software design
  • Quantum computing algorithms
  • Quantum software engineering methodologies
  • Quantum software services
  • Analysis and design of quantum programs
  • Testing and verification of quantum programs
  • Quality assurance of quantum software
  • Evolution and maintenance of quantum software
  • Modelling of quantum software
  • Automation of the quantum software production
  • Model-driven engineering and generative techniques for quantum software
  • Metrics for quantum software
  • Frameworks and tools for developing quantum programs
  • Service-oriented quantum software
  • Quantum software experimentations
  • Quantum software execution
  • Industrial applications
  • Empirical evaluation



Wed,  Sep 18, 2024

Time: 10:00 – 16:30 (3 sessions of 1.5 hours)

Location: 517A

Session 1 - 10:00 - 11:30 (Session chair: Jose Garcia-Alonso)

  • Wolfgang Mauerer. Keynote
  • Lei Zhang and Andriy Miranskyy. Automated flakiness detection in quantum software bug reports
  • Alexandre Bergerault, Daniel Fortunato and Rui Abreu. Generation of Fixed Margin Binary Matrices using Quantum Annealing
  • Michal Baczyk, Ricardo Pérez-Castillo and Mario Piattini. Towards a Framework of Architectural Patterns for Quantum Software Engineering

Session 2 - 13:00 - 14:30 (Session chair: Antonio Brogi)

  • Andriy Miranskyy, Mushahid Khan and Udson Mendes. Comparing Algorithms for Loading Classical Datasets into Quantum Memory
  • Julien Rauch, Brice Chichereau, Stephane Vialle, Patrick Carribault and Damien Rontani. Investigating parallel execution of quantum Machine Learning circuits on superconducting hardware
  • Abhishek Awasthi, Nicolas Kraus, Florian Krellner and David Zambrano. Real World Application of Quantum-Classical Optimization for Production Scheduling
  • Anna Maria Krol, Marvin Erdmann, Ewan Munro, Andre Luckow and Zaid Al-Ars. Assessing the Requirements for Industry Relevant Quantum Computation
  • Majid Haghparast, Enrique Moguel, José García-Alonso, Tommi Mikkonen and Juan Murillo. Innovative Approaches to Teaching Quantum Computer Programming
  • Macario Polo, Ignacio García-Rodríguez de Guzmán, Manuel Ángel Serrano and Mario Piattini. Generating Quantum Software from truth tables

Session 3  - 15:00 -16:30 (Session chair: Manuel Serrano)

  • Giuseppe Bisicchia, Alessandro Bocci, Jose Garcia-Alonso, Juan Manuel Murillo Rodríguez and Antonio Brogi. Cut&Shoot: Cutting & Distributing Quantum Circuits Across Multiple NISQ Computers
  • Chiara Vercellino, Giacomo Vitali, Paolo Viviani, Alberto Scionti, Olivier Terzo and Bartolomeo Montrucchio. Harnessing DEN models for quantum computing tasks on neutral atom QPUs
  • Otso Kinanen, Andrés Muñoz Moller, Vlad Stirbu and Tommi Mikkonen. Improving Quantum Developer Experience with Kubernetes and Jupyter Notebooks
  • Javier Romero-Álvarez, Jaime Alvarado-Valiente, Jorge Casco-Seco, Enrique Moguel, Jose Garcia-Alonso and Juan M. Murillo. Scheduling process of quantum circuits to optimize tasks execution on quantum computers
  • Robin Ollive and Stephane Louise. Quantum Signal Processing based Grover’s Adaptative Search Oracle for High order Unconstrained Binary Optimization problems
  • Supreeth Mysore Venkatesh, Antonio Macaluso, Marlon Nuske, Matthias Klusch and Andreas Dengel. Quantum Algorithm for Efficient Coalition Formation Among LEO Satellites

Session 4  - 18:30 - ... (Session chair: Giuseppe Bisicchia and Javier Romero)


  • Submitted papers must be formatted in accordance with the information for QCE authors. The length of workshop papers is 2-6 pages and will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Workshop papers will be included in the QCE24 proceedings in Volume 2. The papers must follow the IEEE submission guidelines that can be found here: https://qce.quantum.ieee.org/2024/call-for-technical-papers/.
  • After reviewing proposals, at least one author of each accepted submission must register at QCE24.
  • Accepted papers will be included in the QCE24 proceedings.
  • At least one author of each accepted submission must register at QCE24 and present the work during the corresponding session.

To submit papers, please follow the these steps:

      1. 1. Login using the following link:


    1. 2. Click on make a new submission (QCE24)
    1. 3. Select this workshop: WKS20-Papers for Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering and Technology/ol>


The workshop will be held as part of IEEE Quantum Week 2024 – September 15-20 with in-person attendance.

To register, please use the following link: https://qce.quantum.ieee.org/2024/registration/join-us-for-qce24/


  • Abstract submission deadline: July 10.
  • Paper submission deadline: July 17 July 20.
  • Author notifications: July 31.
  • Camera ready: Aug 4.


Researchers and practitioners coming from the industry, that came up with innovative and significant advances or experiences in the field of Quantum Software Engineering and Technology; or those people that are interested on learning about this field.
It expects to attract attendees coming from the quantum computing & engineering fields who wants to learn about how to develop quantum software, but also attendees coming from the traditional software engineering field who wants to learn about quantum computing technology and programming.


If you have any doubts or questions, you can send an email to jgaralo@unex.es



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